Premium Custom Brand Identity Signage

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Etched Glass Nameplates, Glass Plaques, & Glass Blocks
Glass Signs
Architectural Glass       Crystal Glass Awards
Etching     Crystal / Glass Invitations      Desk Nameplate

        Another elegant way to promote your brandnames...

The finest in etched glass nameplates, glass awards, architectural glass, glass plaques and blocks,
glass etched invitations, crystal name plates, etched crystal and glass etching, color fill 

Jade Glass (Green edge tinted glass) etched blocks
Crystal Glass - (Clear glass) etched blocks
Glass thickness: 1/4”, 5/16", 3/8”, 1/2”, 3/4”

Frosted etching, or etched with color filling 
Crisp details from precision sandblasting 
Customized etching to match your 
font and logo (all custom)
Optic Crystal 
(Highest quality clear crystal) 
Any size, shape, thickness, or style 
Custom crystal glass awards, invites and blocks
Individual sandblasting / engraving
Custom crystal glass awards and blocks
Individual sandblasting / engraving

No minimum quantity on glass signs, glass
nameplates & glass invitations awards and blocks

4" x 2" x 1/2" thick clear crystal, frosted etched glass nameplate block / plaque 4" x 2" x 1/2" thick jade, frosted etched glass nameplate block / placque
5" x 3" x 1/2" thick clear crystal, etched & color filled glass nameplate block  5" x 2.4" x 1/2" thick jade, frosted  + gold and silver fill etched glass nameplate
5" x 3" x 1/2" thick clear crystal, color filled & etched glass name plate block / plaque 3" x 2" x 1/2" thick jade,  etched with gray color fill glass nameplate block / plaque
4" x 2" x 3/4" thick clear crystal, chamfered edges, etched and color filled glass nameplate 4" x 2" x 1/2" thick clear crystal,  chamfered edges, etched glass and color filled in gold 4" x 3" x 3/4" thick jade, beveled edges, 
etched &  color filled in gold glass nameplate
10" x 3" x 3/4"  thick jade glass name plate.  Can be used as desk nameplates.  Other sizes available.
Glass Invitations; Jade or Clear Crystal.  Engraved / etched frosted or with color fill.  Minimum is only 1 piece!
5" x 7"  x 3/16" thick, clear crystal wedding invitation, 2 sided sandblast and color fill 5" x 7"  x 1/4" thick, clear crystal wedding invitation, sandblast and color fill + frost 5" x 7"  x 3/16" thick, clear crystal wedding invitation, sandblast etched frosted 6" x 6"  x 3/16" thick, clear crystal wedding invitation, sandblast and color fill
More Glass Logo Nameplates, Blocks, Desk Nameplates
4" x 2 1/2" x 1/2" thick jade, beveled edges, 
frosted etched (****stand not included)
3" x 3" x 1/2" thick clear crystal,  beveled 
edges, etched glass and color filled in gold
5" x 3" x 1/2" thick clear, etched with black fill + frosted background and frosted text  4" x 4" x 1/2" thick jade, frosted 
etched frosted and black fill
5" x 3" x 1/2" thick clear crystal, chamfered edges, frosted etched glass name plate plaque Bent acrylic angled stand for 4" x 2" x 1/2" thick glass logo signs  4" x 2 x 1/2" x 1/2" thick clear crystal, 
multi color airbrush color fill glass plaque
6" wide x 1.5" high back x 3/4" thick wedge, clear glass, etched & color filled (minimum 100 pcs.)
5" x 3" x 3/4" thick clear, etched front 
and back with 2 color fill
2.5" diameter wedge, 1" high back, 
1/2" high front, etched and filled in black
5" x 3.5" x 3/8" thick clear, oval, ogee edge,etched with blue and gold fill  3" x 2" x 1/2" thick jade, frosted 
etched frosted and black fill
12" x 2" x 3/4" thick clear, etched frosted, desk nameplate 8" x 3" x 3/4" thick clear, etched with green color fill desk nameplate
6" x 6" x 1/2" jade mitered edges base, 5" circle frosted
etched, optic crystal diamond
4" x 2 x 1/2"  jade base  with beveled edges, 1/4" thick 
3" x 3" back with clipped bottom, frosted etched

6" x 4" x 1/2" thick jade, chamfered edges, 
frosted etched glass nameplate block / plaque


Light Bases to Illuminate Glass (insert vertically) 

- Accepts 1/2" thick glass, 12" long, any height -

Rosewood base Black lacquered base Rosewood base with brass 

Architectural Glass Signs 

- Wall Signs -

- Door Signs - 

Any Size

60" x 12" x 1/2"  thick clear glass wall sign, etched & color filled, aluminum Standoffs


72" x 15" x 3/8"  thick clear glass wall sign, beveled edges, etched & 3 color filled, aluminum Standoffs

60" x 12" x 1/2"  thick clear glass wall sign, etched & color
filled, aluminum Stand-offs
20" x 14" x 3/8"  thick jade glass wall sign, sandblasted 
frosted etched, aluminum Standoffs
32" x 12" x 3/8"  thick jade glass wall sign, etched & color 
filled, frosted background, aluminum Standoffs
20" x 14" x 3/8"  thick jade glass wall sign, sandblasted 
frosted etched, aluminum Standoffs
15" x 5" x 3/8"  thick jade glass with 12" x 2" x 3/8" second glass,  etched & color filled, frosted background, aluminum Standoffs 20" x 12" x 3/8"  thick clear glass wall sign,
sandblasted frosted etched, aluminum Standoffs
24" x 36" x 1/2"  thick jade glass wall sign,
etched & color  filled, frosted background, aluminum Standoffs
73" x 8" x 3/8"  thick clear glass brand header, etched & color filled, frosted background 20" x 32" x 1/2"  thick clear glass wall sign,
 etched & color filled, aluminum Stand-offs
18" x 24" x 3/8"  thick clear, etched & 
5 color filled, aluminum Stand-offs

Installation is easy; drill pilot holes in 4 corners, insert supplied wall anchors/screw hardware, screw on aluminum standoff barrels behind the glass, and secure the glass with the finishing screw caps

Standoff Hardware

Glass Edge Styles 

 All of our high quality glass nameplates and blocks are fabricated with a variety of highly polished faceted edges 

Flat Edge (Chamfered edge)

 Standard polished edge on all items  (our most popular style)


Beveled Edge 

Steep bevel polished edge on 3/8”, 1/2”. 3/4” thickness


Mitered Edge

Polished edge for  3/4” thickness only


Half Pencil Edge

Polished edge available on 3/4” thick circles and ovals only


Full Pencil Edge

Polished edge available on 1/2” thick circles and ovals only


Ogee Edge

Polished edge for circles and ovals on 3/8”, 1/2”. 3/4” thicknesses only


Glass etching is done with an emphasis on crisp details.  Our glass etching process uses only the finest of sandblasting materials.  Our glass awards, invites and blocks can be customized to meet your needs.  We use only the finest jade glass and clear crystal glass.  Aircraft quality aluminum Stand-offs.


Please take your time in exploring our website.  We have photographed a large number of examples at high quality resolution allowing you to see all of the fine details.  We specialize in creating and supplying the largest portfolio of signage options in the brand identity market, including glass signs, glass nameplates, etched glass, architectural glass, automotive name plates, auto emblems, acrylic name plates, etched glass name plates, raised dimensional letters, metal name plates, cut letters, plastic name plates, decals, engraved name plates, recognition awards, custom labels, printed labels, plastic cards, jewelry tags, crystal glass blocks and plaques, plastic string tags, glass etching, glass awards, apparel clothing tags, window signs, counter top signs, domed labels, warranty cards, along with our complete selection of watch display supports, watch cuffs, and watch display accessories.



Embossed Mylar Scripts l Plastic Scripts l Resin Scripts l Transcripts AT l Plastic Nameplates 


Metal Nameplates l Automotive Nameplates l Embossed Aluminum Nameplates l Plastic String Tags l Metal Cards


Wax Seal String Tags l Metal Jewelry Tags l Textile Apparel String Tags l Glass Signs & Nameplates l Plastic Cards


Glass Awards l Acrylic Signs & Nameplates l Milled Brass & Aluminum Nameplates l Laser Cut Letters & Logos


Metallized Nameplates l Bent / Tent Signs l Resin Domed Labels & Domed Decals l Labels & Embossed Labels


Plastic Cards l Warranty Cards  Solid Brass Nameplates l Stainless Steel Nameplates l PVC String Tags


Injection Molded Nameplates Watch Supports & Watch Cuffs l Watch Display Accessories  I Auto Badges & Emblems


Cut Letters l Logo Plaques l Showcase & Window Signs l Tags Nameplates I Metal Tags I Industrial Metal Nameplates & Tags

Credit cards accepted
Mila Displays Inc. 
 716 Newman Springs Road  Suite 108
Lincroft, NJ 07738
T 516-791-2643
F 516-791-2431
U.S. Representative for the Kirsten Group of Companies 
Copyright 2023
The use or reproduction of any photographs without written permission by Mila Displays Inc. is unlawful and prohibited, and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.